The Lowdown on Making Your Produce Squeaky Clean


As berry season approaches I dream of diving into a huge bowl of blueberries and eating them by the handful. To me berries are like candy, sweet, juicy and full of flavor but with the added benefit of free radical fighting phytonutrients. Here at STANDwellness we always say eat the rainbow- and with berries you can. From gooseberries to blackberries the spectrum is covered. However, there can be downsides to eating berries, their shelf life is short somehow, they always seem to spoil within days of getting them home and they can be toxic due to heavy pesticide use. Every year berries top the EWG’s dirty dozenlist with strawberries holding the number one spot for 2018. So how do we extend the life of our berries and protect ourselves from pesticides? Several techniques have been explored, tap water, store bought fruit wash, vinegar, and essential oils, but which is best for you?

Rinsing with water can help to remove any leftover dirt and debris on produce, however it is not very effective at removing pesticides, pathogens, and the bacteria responsible for spoilage. In a study published by the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry researchers looked at the exact effect of rinsing conventional fruits and vegetables in tap water. They found that even after fully rinsing the produce many of the pesticides, fungicides, and insecticides were left behind (Krol et al., 2000). Now, I don’t know about you but vinclozolin, bifenthrin, and chlorpyrifos are not things I would like to put in my body!

Store bought fruit and vegetable washes seem to be an easy and effective way to safely remove chemicals and pathogens. However, a lot of these products are expensive and can be filled with more chemicals, even soap! They have been shown to decrease some pesticide residue, however they are not effective in eliminating the bacteria responsible for the short lifespan of our produce.

In a similar study, vinegar diluted in water was shown to remove 98 percent of bacteria and pesticides, which not only extends the shelf life but lowers the toxic load (Aubrey, 2007). This solution is very inexpensive and easy to make, simply mix 3 parts water to 1 part vinegar. You can fill a basin and soak your harder to wash produce like berries, broccoli and leafy greens or add it to a spray bottle to clean firmer foods like apples, carrots, and celery. However, there is a risk of a slight vinegar flavor with raw produce like berries.

Lastly, essential oils are an effective and flavorful way to remove both pesticides and bacteria. DoTERRA essential oils are the highest quality food grade oils that can be blended to easily wash produce. These plant based oils may kill pathogens and bacteria, while neutralizing both water and lipid soluble pesticides, insecticides, and fungisides. Try our easy to make recipe the next time you bring a bounty of fresh berries home.

DoTERRA Fruit and Vegetable Wash 

5 drops DoTERRA Lemon Essential Oil

5 drops DoTERRA Grapefruit Essential Oil

1 qt Filtered Cold Water

Combine water and oils in a spray bottle and shake before use. Spray produce rub then rinse before eating. For softer foods like berries and leafy greens, soak for two minutes before rinsing.

All DoTERRA Essential Oils can be purchased here at STANDwellness. We would be happy to discuss how to safely consume and preserve your berries this summer.


Aubrey, A. (2007). What does it take to clean fresh food?. Retrieved from


Krol, W. J., Arsenault, T. L., Pylypiw, H. M., & Incorvia, M. J. (2000). Reduction of pesticide residues on produce by rinsing. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 48(10).